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Couple Says Their Dog Faked A Cough So They Would Stay Home With Him – And It Worked

Couple Says Their Dog Faked A Cough So They Would Stay Home With Him – And It Worked

Dogs will stop at nothing to make sure that they are able to remain the center of attention. Our friend Sully here is certainly no different. He recently made a discovery that will shock readers everywhere. He wanted his owners to stay home with him instead of going to work, so he decided to fake a cough in hopes of getting them to feel sorry for him.
The gambit worked better than he could have ever possibly imagined. Alex and his wife Kennady immediately took pity on the poor pup. The Border Collie mix needed some extra love and they were more than happy to give it to him. The incident originally took place when Kennady came home for lunch during work. Sully elected to start “coughing” at this moment in order to get Mom’s attention.
The message was received loud and clear. She picked up the phone and called her husband, who immediately came home to find out what was the matter. They headed to Google to look up the dog’s condition and began to become worried. However, Sully had already gotten the attention he wanted and resumed his normal playful activities as if nothing had even happened.
The dog would still remember to force out a fake cough from time to time, but remained otherwise normal. The cough started to go away during the nighttime, but wouldn’t you know it? As soon as it was time for Sully’s parents to leave for work the next day, the cough magically returned! Alex finally decided that it was time to bring the pup to the vet.

As you might have expected, the vet struggled to find anything wrong with the animal. The tests showed that there was nothing wrong with Sully, but he was given some antibiotics to take just in case. The dog was monitored over the course of the following days and no cough was detected. Upon returning to the vet, the pup’s parents were given the sad truth.
They had been hoodwinked by their rather clever dog. He clearly figured out that the coughing had caused his humans to drop what they were doing to pay attention to him and was going to milk this gambit for all it was worth. Ever since he was originally taken to the vet, the cough has not returned. We think he realized that the trip to the vet was definitely not worth the extra love that he received from his mommy and daddy!
By Christine