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The 10 Best Blogs for Content Writers

It’s important to keep on top of the latest trends and best practices to grow as a content writer. Social media is a great starting point, but you’ll save time by going straight to the source: the writing blogs themselves.

The following 10 must-read blogs cover everything from copywriting and freelancing tips, to content strategy and social media writing, to productivity tips and editing techniques.

Copy and Content Writing Blogs

Nick Usborne

Nick Usborne’s blog is all about helping freelancers write better copy and content for the web. With over 35 years of experience as a copywriter and writing coach, Nick Usborne is an expert in the space. With articles covering copywriting, storytelling, freelancing and more – this blog is a great resource for both aspiring and experienced freelance writers.


Copyhacker is focused on helping freelancers and marketers writer more persuasive, believable and usable copy. Their content focuses on providing actionable and meaningful insights that writers can read and then apply in their next piece. The main topics covered on this blog are content and copywriting, email copywriting and general freelancing tips.

Content Strategy Blogs

Content Marketing Institute

CMI was founded by Joe Pulizza, an entrepreneur, speaker, and author on content marketing. Dating back to 2007, the blog has one of the largest collection of articles about content creation, written by authors from various backgrounds.


Hubspot’s Marketing Blog is another great resource for content writers. Not only do their articles cover topics such as 7 Tips for Writing Content that Converts and 6 Traits of Excellent Copy Readers Will Remember, but their marketing and sales content helps writers stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

Blogs About Blogging

Daily Blog Tips

Whether you’re an experienced blogger or a novice, this blog is full of advanced tips and beginner-friendly content to up your writing game. The founder, Daniel Scocco, has bought and sold over 30 blogs and websites since 2004, so he knows what he’s talking about.

Social Media Marketing Blogs

Buffer Social

This is the blog of Buffer, the social media app focused on social media optimization. It covers all aspects of social media, looking at content marketing news and trends, and writing for social media.

Social Media Examiner

Michael Stelzner, author of the book Writing White Papers, founded Social Media Examiner in 2009. The website features hundreds of articles about content optimization and using social media as a content marketing tool.

Productivity and Motivational Blogs

Positive Writer

Bryan Hutchinson, whose work has been published in newspapers and national magazines created Positive Writer for fellow writers who feel “writer’s doubt.” All the blog posts are encouraging and motivational, featuring quotes, interviews, and all kinds of articles to inspire your creativity as a writer.

Write to Done

Mary Jaksch, the chief editor of Write to Done, believes that anyone can learn to write well with practice. The blog includes writing exercises, tips, motivational posts, and more. Although it’s sometimes geared toward fiction writers, there’s plenty of stuff for online content writers too.

Blogs on Editing and the Art of Writing

Grammar Girl

This is an award-winning site for writers which features countless tips on grammar, punctuation, and usage. Mignon Fogarty posts several short tips each week in her friendly, approachable style.

Grammarly Blog

Grammarly is not only the most popular grammar-checking tool on the Internet, the site features lots of advice and tips for any content writer. As well as grammar and writing tips, there are also plenty of lifestyle and productivity tips to help you become a better writer.

Over to You

As a content writer, it’s important for you to stay on top of content trends and best practices so you can produce better work for clients. These blogs will help you improve your content writing skills, maximize your productivity, and hopefully inspire you to become a better writer.

You could bookmark these blogs or even use an aggregating tool such as Feedly to put all the blogs you follow into one place. This way, you’ll never be without advice and inspiration.

Did we leave out your favorite blog about content writing that freelance writers should be reading? Tell us about it in the comments below.